Applications received and approved by DLAC in 2012
Number of applications received
From Prisons From Court Other sources Total applications Number of applications approved Proportion of applications approved
Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Total Women Men Total
40 160 200 40 160 200 100.00%
Number of new criminal cases per new DLAC case (2012):
Practitioner Survey Q 9 - 15 Answer
What is the average time between entering a plea and starting a trial? Depends on case
What percent of accused persons are women? Not easy to mention
What are the main offences for which women face trial? Narcotics
What proportion  of trials are concluded by way of guilty plea? Less than 25%
What proportion of cases end in conviction? Very few
What proportion of cases are compoundable? Few
What proportion of cases end in settlement? Enough (sic) 
What is the main challenge legal practitioners face in criminal proceedings? Corruption and the lack of judges
Among respondents who had ever been arrested
Q 514. When did you first see a lawyer?
Never before arrest within the first 24 hours within three days within a week within a month I don't remember Total
% n
Female 0
Male 19.4 16.1 22.6 25.8 16.1 100 31
PS Survey, Judiciary Q 8 - 9
What proportion of accused are represented by a lawyer at trial All
What proportion of trials end in a Guilty plea in Sessions Court? Very few
PS Survey, Magistracy Q 5 - 7
What proportion of accused are represented by a lawyer at trial Most
What proportion of accused are women? 5-10%
What is the main offence for which women face trial? Fraud, narcotics
PS Survey, Court Clerks Q 6 - 8 (N: 8 clerks from CJM and DSC)
What proportion of accused are represented by a lawyer at trial All: 3; Most:4; Very few: 1 
What proportion of accused are women? More than 10%: 2;5-10%: 1; Less than 5%: 5 
What is the main offence for which women face trial? Narcotics: 5; Dowry: 3 
PS Survey, Lawyers at Court Q 9 - 11
What proportion of accused are represented by a lawyer at trial Most[1]
What proportion of accused are women? More than 10%
What is the main offence for which women face trial? Assistance in dowry demand/claim
Paralegal Cases
Year Overstay   Bail Legal Clinics Individual Help Juveniles Referral
Overstay prisoners released Number of people released on bail: Number of people attending legal clinics: Number of people receiving assistance on an individual basis Number of children (<18) receiving assistance Number matters referred to a lawyer
Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Girls Boys  
2012 9 130 6 91 89 712 27 567 0 1 95

Marcus Baltzer:
The respondent is a prosecutor in NoS and hence he deal with a very special category of cases.