District Legal Aid Committee Office in the Court Complex
Citizen Survey
Q 105 (e): Do you know where to find a legal aid office?
Yes % No % Total % Number
Women 9.5 90.5 100 601
Men 38.6 61.4 100 599
Has no mobile phone  13.5 86.5 100 554
Has a mobile phone 33 67 100 646
Q 105 (f) Do you know where to find a lawyer?
Yes % No % Total % Number
Women 74.5 25.5 100 601
Men 91.2 8.8 100 599
Has no mobile phone  73.6 26.4 100 554
Has a mobile phone 90.7 9.3 100 646
First interview with the President of the Bar Association (Asif)
Number of law schools 1
Estimated number of law graduates per year 468
Number of law graduates currently in pupillage 800