Applications received and approved by DLAC in 2012
Number of applications received Number of applications approved
From Prisons From Court Other sources Total applications
Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Total
77 55 132
Data note Data note
Data from source unreliable Data entered for the six months Jan-June 2013
Practitioner Survey Q 9 - 15 (Bar Association, N:1 lawyer) Answer
What is the average time between entering a plea and starting a trial? 6-8 months to start the examination; 3 months after the framing of the charges
What percent of accused persons are women? 2%
What are the main offences for which women face trial? Narcotics
What proportion  of trials are concluded by way of guilty plea? 5%
What proportion of cases end in conviction? Most
What proportion of cases are compoundable? 60%
What proportion of cases end in settlement? 30%
What is the main challenge legal practitioners face in criminal proceedings? No appearance of witnesses
Among respondents who had ever been arrested
Q 514. When did you first see a lawyer?
Never before arrest within the first 24 hours within three days within a week within a month I don't remember Total
% n
Female 100         100 1
Male 37.5 25 12.5 12.5 12.5 100 8
PS Survey, Judges Q 8 - 9 (N:1)
What proportion of accused are represented by a lawyer at trial All
What proportion of trials end in a Guilty plea in Sessions Court? 1%
PS Survey, Magistrates Q 5 - 7 (N:1) No data
What proportion of accused are represented by a lawyer at trial No data
What proportion of accused are women? No data
What is the main offence for which women face trial? No data
PS Survey, Bench assistants / Clerks Q 6 - 8 (N:1)
What proportion of accused are represented by a lawyer at trial All
What proportion of accused are women? Less than 5%
What is the main offence for which women face trial? Narcotics
PS Survey, Lawyers at Court Q 9 - 11 (N:1 defence, 1 Police prosecutor) Defence  Prosecution
What proportion of accused are represented by a lawyer at trial Most All
What proportion of accused are women? 1% 5-10%
What is the main offence for which women face trial? Narcotics Narcotics
Legal aid by Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (2012) Civil + Criminal 
Applications Received Settled Mediations Filed Cases  COURT DISPOSED CASES   Total Disposed Cases
Favour Compromise Against Default
Women Men Total Women Men Total Women Men Total Women Men Total  Women Men Total  Women Men Total Women Men Total  Women Men Total 
653 64 717 176 4 180 399 26 425 99 8 107 151 3 154 12 1 13 85 2 87 347 14 361