% of people who say they always feel safe          
Citizen Survey Q 121 Walking in community In my home    
  Day Night Day Night n=
Female 97.5 83.4 98 88 609
Male 94.2 78 99.2 90.7 591
Total 95.9 80.8 98.6 89.3 1200
Citizen Survey (CSD Q107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117)
People who were asked about their experience with crime   Women Men Total
  609 591 1200
Resondents who reported having something stolen from them 107 34.48 50.9 42.69
And of those who have, what did they do about it? # who had: 210 301 255.5
did not seek a remedy 76.56 72.06 74.31
went to the police 2.9 4.32 3.61
went to the court 0 0.39 0.195
went to A UP member/chairman or other elective representative of local government 4.29 2.36 6.65
went to a respected member of the community 6.09 11.39 8.74
Respondents who reported being victims of dacoity in their house 109 2.3 5.41 3.855
And  what that those who have done about it? # who had: 14 32 46
did not seek a remedy 57.14 50 53.57
went to the police 21.43 34.38 27.905
went to the court 0 3.13 3.13
went to A UP member/chairman or other elective representative of local government 14.29 3.13 8.71
went to a respected member of the community 7.14 3.13 5.135
Respondents who reported being physically assaulted up by someone outside their family 111 7.72 16.92 12.32
And what did those who had do? # who had: 47 100 147
did not seek a remedy 34.04 17.69 25.865
went to the police 10.64 5.44 8.04
went to the court 2.13 8.16 10.29
went to A UP member/chairman or other elective representative of local government 19.15 8.16 13.655
went to a respected member of the community 23.4 23.13 23.265
Respondents who reported being beaten up by someone inside the family 113 30.71 3.05 33.76
And what did those who had do? # who had: 187 18 205
did not seek a remedy 75.4 38.89 57.145
only went to a family member 4.28 0 2.14
went to A UP member/chairman or other elective representative of local government 1.07 0 0.535
went to a respected member of the community 1.6 16.67 9.135
solved it on their own 17.65 44.44 31.045
Respondents who reported that someone grabbed their land 115 3.61 23.18 1200
And what did those who had do? # who had: 22 137 159
did not seek a remedy 9.09 10.22 19.31
went to the police 18.18 3.65 10.915
went to the court 13.64 26.28 19.96
went to A UP member/chairman or other elective representative of local government 13.64 13.14 26.78
went to a respected member of the community 36.36 41.61 38.985
Respondents who reported they were in a dispute (quarrel/disagreement) 117 18.88 25.72 22.3
And what did those who had do? # who had: 115 152 267
did not seek a remedy 66.09 4.61 35.35
went to the police 1.74 6.58 4.16
went to the court 4.35 32.89 37.24
went to A UP member/chairman or other elective representative of local government 9.57 11.84 10.705
went to a respected member of the community 15.65 27.63 21.64
solved it on their own   1.74 15.13 8.435
Crimes Recorded by Police (2012)                                
Upazilla Name Dacoity Robbery Murder Riot Women & Child Repression Kidnapping Police Assault Burglary Theft Other Arms Act Explosives Narcotics Smuggling Total Upazilla Cime Rate per 100000
Gopalganj Sadar  2 1 11 0 104 0 0 6 23 286 6 0 138 1 578 168.0
Kashiani 1 5 0 34 1 0 8 8 72 0 0 36 0 165 80.2
Kotalipara 1 3 7 0 42 2 1 4 8 112 3 0 72 0 255 110.5
Muksudpur 1 0 27 3 0 3 9 40 1 0 19 0 103 35.6
Tungipara 1 8 0 62 1 1 4 9 180 1 0 40 0 307 303.9
Gopalganj Total 4 5 32 0 269 7 2 25 57 690 11 0 305 1 1408 120.0
Crime Rate per 100000 0.3 0.9 5.4 0.0 46.5 1.2 0.2 4.3 9.6 58.8 1.9 0.0 26.0 0.1 120.0  
Citizen Survey (CSD Q106)  
What would you say is the most common crime in your community? Neighbor Dispute Drugs Theft Land Dispute Gambling All Others Total
N=1200 58.4% 13.1% 12.5% 10.9% 4.8% 0.3% 100.0%
Note About Data  
"Other" crimes category is the largest, but it is unclear which crimes are included.  
Crimes Recorded by Rapid Action Battalion (2012)                              
Crimes Dacoity Robbery Murder Riot Women & Child Repression Kidnapping Police Assault Burglary Theft Other Arms Act Explosives Narcotics Smuggling Total
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note About Data  
No dedicated RAB unit for Gopalganj  
Police Workflow (2012)            
Upazilla Name General Diary Entries First Information Report (FIR) FIR's Sent to Court with named accused FIR's to Court as % of all FIR's Complaints Registered referred from court  to police for investigation Cases referred for Alternative Dispute Resolution
Gopalganj Sadar  15840 578 502 87% 852 1160
Kashiani 13230 165 230 139% 187 3
Kotalipara 10752 255 81 32% 210 133
Muksudpur 20103 103 33 32% 212 0
Tungipara 16520 207 168 81% 193 3
Gopalganj Total 76445 1308 1014 78% 1654 1299
Practitioner Survey  
Between 1 and 15% of cases are informally resolved through police shalish  
Arrests Made by Police (2012)        
Upazilla Name Arrests Men Women Men Women Boys Girls Boys Girls
Gopalganj Sadar  1057 985 65 93.2 6.1 7 0 0.7 0.00
Kashiani 341 332 9 97.4 2.6 0 0 0.0 0.00
Kotalipara 219 211 8 96.3 3.7 0 0 0.0 0.00
Muksudpur 171 165 6 96.5 3.5 0 0 0.0 0.00
Tungipara 344 303 41 88.1 11.9 0 0 0.0 0.00
Gopalganj Total 2132 1996 129 93.6 6.1 7 0 0.3 0.00
Practitioner Survey, Police thana (N:2)  
1) Police do not grant bail in case of specific complaint. But to prevent the crime 10% are released with bail on bond.  
1) In the presence of social leader juvenile are sent back to the parent's custody / in case of minor offence/ 2) for correction
Arrests Recorded by Rapid Action Battalion (2012)  
RAB Arrests Total Men Women Boys Girls
  0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
RAB arrests as % of total police arrests 0.0%