Citizen Survey (CSD Q107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117)
People who were asked about their experience with crime   Women Men Total
Resondents who reported having something stolen from them CSQ107 609 591 1200
And of those who have, what did they do about it? # who had: 27.42 59.05 43.24
did not seek a remedy 70.06 83.09 76.58
Respondents who reported being victims of dacoity in their house CSQ109 2.46 5.58 4.02
And  what that those who have done about it? # who had: 15 33 48
did not seek a remedy 73.33 51.52 62.43
Respondents who reported being physically assaulted up by someone outside their family CSQ111 4.93 20.64 12.79
And what did those who had do? # who had: 30 122 152
went to A UP member/chairman or other elective representative of local government 13.33 22.13 17.73
Respondents who reported being beaten up by someone inside the family CSQ113 10.18 2.54 6.36
And what did those who had do? # who had: 62 15 77
did not seek a remedy 61.29 13.33 37.31
Respondents who reported that someone grabbed their land CSQ115 3.12 20.47 11.80
And what did those who had do? # who had: 19 121 140
went to the court 10.53 39.67 25.10
Respondents who reported they were in a dispute (quarrel/disagreement) CSQ117 5.58 32.32 18.95
And what did those who had do? # who had: 34 191 225
solved it on their own   17.65 3.66 10.66
% of people who say they always feel safe        
PS Q 121 Walking in community In my home    
  Day Night Day Night n=
Female 92.6 64.9 95.4 82.8 609
Male 96.3 70.7 98.8 93.1 591
Total 94.4 67.8 97.1 87.8 1200
 Key Police Indicators: Districts
  Police Stations Police Strength (Establishment) District Area Km2 Population per Station 2012 Average area (sq km) covered by police station Police officers (Establishment) per 100,000 population Population per officers 2012 Population 2012 RAB per 100000 Population per RAB Ansars per 100000 Population per Ansar
Madaripur 5 526 1125.7 233586.8 225.1 45.0 2220 1167934 10.6 9418.8 3.6 27454.2
  Reported crimes per 100000 pop Murders per 100K population Average General Diary entries per officer Average recorded crimes per officer Average FIRs + CRs per Inspecting rank % people never harassed by police  
% of cases that appear to have gone straight to court bypassing police
Madaripur 149.8 32.9 104.8 3.3 61.8 41.3% -53%  
Top Five Police Recorded crimes 1 2 3 4 5
Category Other Women and Child Repression Narcotics Theft Murder
45.9% 25.0% 22.0% 2.4% 2.1%
People said the most crime In their community was Neighbour Dispute Land Dispute Drugs Theft Assault All Others Total
N=1200 31.5% 22.0% 14.5% 12.1% 7.1% 12.8% 100.0%
Increase/decrease   Complaint Register cases  Arrests
First Information Reports
2011 to 2012 5.4% 9% 0.6%
2011 to 2012 28% 8% 7.9%
Timescales (DFP PS) Time between FIR and charge Time between filing FIR and case coming to trial
Bailable offence 1 month Depends on type of offence
Non Bailable Offence 3 months