Persons in prison by category of person (6/30/2013)
RAN District Jail Male Female Foreign National Juvenile Preventive Detention Civil Prisoner RP CP Total
1334 64 6 0 0 0 2 0 1398
Data note
Prison HQ data for 6 mo's later is 7% lower
Prisons HQ 1232 43 8 0 4 3 0 0 1290 1290
Practitioner Survey (Prison officers)  data note Data note Data note
Less than 5% are deemed to be 'high risk' or a danger to society  assumes other categories are made of men Includes 2: terms expired but no funds to repatriate 5 children of mothers in prison not included in total
24% prisoners suffer from mental illness
No riots nor excapes in the past 3 years
No assaults on prison staff in the past 5 years
Persons in prison by time spent in custody (6/30/2013)
Under trial Convicted
Rangpur District Jail More than 10 Years 6-10 Years 3-5 Years 1-2 Years Less than 12 months Under trial total Death Penalty Life More than 20 Years 10-20 Years 5 to 10 Years 1 to 4 years Less than 12 months Total Grand Total incarcerated % Under trial % convicted
0 2 13 75 677 767 26 436 11 15 20 40 20 568 1335 57% 43%
% of UT Subtotal 0.20% 2% 10% 88% % of convicted total 5% 77% 2% 3% 4% 7% 4% Data note
The total is inconsistent with totals given elsewhere
Cum. % of UT subtotal >10 y >6 y >3 y > 1 y People serving any time under trial Cum. % of convicted total Death Life >20 y >10 y >5 y > 1 y Serving any time Total convicted
0.20% 2% 12% 100% 5% 77% 79% 81% 85% 92% 100% 568
Data note
Prison HQ as of 12/31/2013 0 21 15 600 637 32 424 6 13 45 66 67 653 1290
Persons in prison by type of offence
Rangpur District Jail Under trial Convicted
Drugs Murder Robbery Rape Kidnapping NOS Theft etc Others Total Drugs Murder Robbery Rape Kidnapping NOS Theft etc Others Total
25 149 32 17 21 69 57 0 370 26 420 14 25 19 39 25 0 568
% of total UT Data note 5% 74% 2% 4% 3% 7% 4%
data incomplete
Data note
Prisons HQ as of 12/31/2013 52 141 32 24 22 38 54 274 637 23 291 6 9 3 101 3 217 653
% of total UT 8% 22% 5% 4% 3% 6% 8% 43% 100% 4% 45% 1% 1% 0.40% 15% 0.40% 33% 100.00%