Staffing 144
Salary no data Daily appearance rate
Training None
Specialised eg NOS, Juvenile justice, Forensic science None
Access to Forensic laboratories No
Case referral to police Usually / sometimes
Cases carried forward from previous year Estimated New Cases  Estimated Cases ending in conviction Estimated Cases dismissed  Estimated Cases diverted  Estimated Cases pending (average per month)   
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
No data No data No data 1546 No data No data 782 No data No data 2030 No data No data No data No data No data 809
Data note Data note
Prosecution case data is confusing. The six months gathered for the period Jan-Jun 2013 is aggregated and multiplied by 2 to present an estimate for 2013. The case figures are not additive so an average has been taken (total of six months divided by 6)
Case management
Practitioner Surveys, Prosecution (N: 1) and Lawyers at court (N:1)
First review case file 1) After charge; 2) when trial date set
Pre-trial review 1) Yes; 2) Yes, rarely
Case Flow
Practitioner Survey (N:2) Av time from FIR to trial (DSC) Av no of adjournments (DSC)  Av length of trial (DSC)
6-9 months 5-6 times Up to 6 months
Case disposal
Practitioner Survey, Lawyers at court (N:1) Conviction following Guilty plea Compounded Diverted / settled Dismissed (estimate) % women accused
Very few Very few 5% Unclear data less than 6%
Practitioner Survey, Prosecutor (N:1)
Number of complaints received None 
Number of prosecutors sanctioned or dismissed None 
Code of Conduct  Yes
Co-ordinating mechanism in the district to bring together all the criminal justice agencies? Yes