Interviews with prisoners in holding cells at court Male Female Male Male Male Female Male Female Male Male Male Female  
  Interview Date 02.12.2013 02.12.2013 25.11.2013 25.11.2013 25.11.2013 25.11.2013 25.11.2013 25.11.2013   27.11.2013 27.11.13 27.11.13  
Q. No. Questions Comilla Gopalgonj Madaripur Mymensingh Rangpur
  Record number of detainees from jail 51 people 5 persons. 1. From Jail- 42
2. From Thana & Court- 8
      32       80 people 2 people The Court Holding cell interview was done in police holding cell format. Please check police holding cell.
1 How many are represented by a lawyer? All but 5 persons have a lawyer. All but 1. Most All None All Most All All     All 
2 Does your lawyer appear on every occasion? Record numbers or note all - none  on counting hands No
> Sometimes are present in the court, but not all the time.
They don't know. Yes Yes No Yes Sometimes
> Appear most of the time
Yes Yes No Yes Yes
3 Of those of you who are not represented by a lawyer, have you been helped by anyone else?  No No No
> In a sensitive murder case, 10 persons are captivated in the holding cell, and they have no lawyer on behalf of them for 40 days
Not applicable No Not applicable Yes
> A paralegal
    No Yes No
4 How many of you have come to court on the same case before?                             Record numbers on counting hands Less than 10 times. 3 people said they have come 1 time before. Less than 10 times. 5 times. FIX BLANK. One person came only 1 time. 45 people: less than 10 times;
4 people: 10-25 times;
1 person: 25-50 times
Hands Hands 10 to 25 1. 8 people: 10-15 times
2. 10 people: less than 5 times
3. 9 people: less than 3 times
4. 5 people: 1 time
10 to 25 Less than 10 times Less than 10 times >10 times  60 Persons

10 to 25
19 Persons

25 - 50 times      1 Person
Hands 2 persons
4a Who has been coming the longest to court?     In every fixed date, everyone is brought before the court. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A     Months 40 person 2-3 Months
4b Count back from the longest - eg 2 years (how many), 1 year (how many) 6 months (etc) 4 persons said 2 months. 20 persons said 6 months. 12 persons said 1 month. 2 persons said 20 days. 2 persons said 1 month. 1 person less than 7 months. 2 persons said they will get bail today.                 7 persons-2 years.

25 persons-
1 year

12 persons-
6 months
Not applicable
4c How many stay in the cell without appearing before the judge/magistrate?                         5 persons. 5 persons. 4 people answered that it happened in a few cases In very few cases.       Present in every due date 5 of them taken before the court It didn't take before the magistrate 60% 2 persons
5 How often it has happened that you were supposed to go to the court but you were not taken to the court? Very few cases. Very few cases. Only 10 people were brought before the judge court, 40 people were not brought before the magistrate court. Today, 10 people were taken before the judge and nobody else. Didn't take They are present in fixed date In very few cases   Few Very Few cases Most 40 persons Few
6 How many of you understand what happened (is to happen) today  and what will happen on the next occasion? Record numbers on counting hands, or note All - None None 2 persons. Few Most None She understands Few She can understand little bit. Most Few Most  60 persons Most 2 persons
7 How many of you are accused of bailable offences?  Record numbers on counting hands, or note All - None 5 persons. Don't know. Most Most Most   Most of the respondents do not know which offences are bailable and which are not bailable   She heard that her offence is bailable. Most Most  50 persons All 2 persons

Note Moved from 7-12