Interviews with police  
Interview Date 22.01.2014 12.12.2013 05.12.2013 07.12.2013 9.12.13 29.11.13 30.11.13 01.12.13 01.12.13 4.12.13 8.12.13
Q. No Questions Comilla
(PS: Monohorgonj)
(PS: Sadar Dokhkhin)
(PS: Kotalipara)
(PS: Tungipara)
Madaripur (Ragoir) Madaripur Madaripur (Shibchor) Mymensingh
Rangpur (Kotowali Thana) Rangpur (Gongachara)
1 What percentage of persons arrested are released on police bail? 10- 12% 10% Police do not grant bail in case of specific complaint. But to prevent the crime 10% are released with bail on bond. Specific All offenders get bail, but it is a lengthy process. Some get bail early, but for others it takes a long time to get bail. In every particular case, a different timeline is applicable. According to Sec. 34 of the Penal Code, they get bail. They get bail under the Gambling Act. They get bail in those cases which are bailable, and also get bail in non-bailable offenses.  1% 5% Bail is granted on the type of offence. If criminals remain outside they may commit crime but Court release them on bail Not much, when there is specific logic like, infirmity, insanity, inability then also an examinee who has examination but his crime has to be petty
2A In the last 12 months how many women were placed in safe custody? (It is the responsibility of the court to place persons in safe custody not ours.) (It is the responsibility of the court to place persons in safe custody not ours.) We do not have the practise to put them into safe custody. did not place None     5 Women 1 Women This is not possible to tell now None in the past 12 months
2B In the last 12 months how many under 18 girls were placed in safe custody? None   2     This is not possible to tell now  
2C In the last 12 months how many women and girls were placed in safe custody if it was not disaggregated as in 2A/B? None 3       This is not possible to tell now  
3 How often are compoundable offences referred back to the community? (ie VC or shalish or UNO) Often Often Sometimes Sometimes After the plaintiffs file, there is no option to send it to the community, but in the case of GD, they can send it to the shalish.   Never Sometimes Sometimes This question is not for us Sometimes/this question is not for us
4A Do you have special procedures for dealing with victims? If yes, please specify? No No       Yes Yes No No There was no police concern. Time has changed no criminals and victims are not treated in the same way
4B Do you have special procedures for dealing with under 18?  If yes, please specify? No No Yes     Yes Yes No No   Yes, once all these were police concern. We act in accordance with the situation
4C Do you have special procedures for dealing with female victims? If yes, please specify? No No       Yes Yes No No   Yes, once all these were police concern. We act in accordance with the situation
4D Do you have special procedures for dealing with others? If yes, please specify? No No       Yes Yes No No  
5 If yes, please specify: Not Applicable Not Applicable They are sent to the probation officer in case of juvenile and sent to the court in case of women.   N/A Medical examination Medical examination      
6 Are you aware of any changes  to the procedures for arresting children? They are not given to custody, they are kept in maximum safety. They are not given to custody, they are kept in maximum safety. Yes, I am aware. Yes, I am aware. They try not to arrest children, but if they do, they will inform the probation officer or the parents. If they think the child can be under the guidance of the PO or the parents, they will send the child with them. No, but they deal with special care for the children. If any child is arrested, then we submit a report before the court mentioning it is a child. yes yes Certainly Certainly
7 What do you do with juveniles arrested for minor offences? Parent are called and bond is taken after explaining them. Parent are called and bond is taken after explaining them. In the presence of social leader juvenile are sent back to the parent's custody in case of minor offence. We place them to their parent's custody and recommend them for correction. Call the parents, take the bond, and free them. We take care with sympathy. We try to be lenient with them. Those we are arrested for minor offences, they will be put under guardianship. If the guardian is not found then send to juvenile correction center via probation officer They will be put under guardianship.  A specific procedure is followed for the juveniles In most of the cases we give the child in the custody of parents if the offence is petty and in case of grave offences juveniles are sent to the court as specified
8 How many active community policing groups are there in the area covered by this police station?  Number- 11 Number- 15 Number- 130
> They are not active and they do not have office.
Number- 62 Not active 4 25 are active 117 104 This is available in every union and ward This is available in every union and ward
9 What statistics do you collect?     1. Crimes reported
2. Types of crimes
3. Number of arrests
4. Number of incidents
5. Result of investigation
Crimes reported Crimes reported and types of crime, and number of arrests and number of incidents All options selected All options selected Crimes reported
Types of crimes
Number of arrests
Number of incidents
Crimes reported
Types of crimes
Number of arrests
Number of incidents
crimes report, types of crime, number of arrests, number of incidents Crimes reported, types of crimes, number of arrests, number of incidents
10 To where do you report statistics? Circle Circle 1. Circle
2. SP office
3. Court
> If the information is very sensitive then it is directly sent to the DIG office
Circle Circle Circle; SP Circle Circle Circle circle, range, hq (dhaka) sp office SP office, Rangpur
11 How often do you submit statistical returns? Monthly  Monthly  1. Daily
2. Weekly
3. Monthly
4. Annually
1. Daily
2. Monthly
3. Quarterly
4. Fortnightly
5. Annually
Daily, and weekly, and monthly Daily and Montly Daily and montly Daily


Monthly Monthly:  twice in a month/always in an emergency
12 Are the records digitalised? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, daily by radio and then montly and weekly computerized Sometimes -- some of them; not all of them Yes -- Daily verbally and montly computerized report No No Yes Yes
13 Do you have adequate supplies of paperwork? (eg. Statement forms etc) No
> 1. No car
2. Diesel is given
3. Lack of staffs
4. We live in barrack but it is not hygeanic.
> 1. No car, 2. Diesel is given, 3. Lack of staffs, 4. We live in barrack but it is not hygeanic.
>  As per our demand we don't get the papers in time for lengthy process.
Yes Yes Yes -- 80% Yes -- up to 90% findable Yes Yes No; Nothing is adequate No; nothing is adequate
14 How many working vehicles does the station have Number- 1 Number- 1 Number- 2 Number- 2 2 2 vehicles 5 2 2   1
15 Does the station have sufficient fuel to respond to incidents and patrol the area? No No A fuel related budget is fixed in every month. Moderate or insufficient The fuel that is supplied for them can only fulfill 70% of the demand Sometimes  - 80% which is given, it should be increase No No No No
16 What is the shift pattern worked by officers? > We have to work 24 hours, shifting system is available but not applied because even half of the police are not available in the police station to control it. > We have to work 24 hours, shifting system is available but not applied because even half of the police are not available in the police station to control it. 24 hours 24 hours 12 hours for constable and SI, 24 hours for OCN office staff 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours