Interviews with CID 
Interview Date 04.11.2013 10.12.2013 04.12.13
Q. No Questions Comilla Gopalgonj Madaripur Mymensingh Rangpur (Kotowali)
1 What are the 5 most common crimes in this area? 1. Dacoity
2. Assault
3. Murder
4. Smuggling
5. Narcotics
1. Narcotics
2. Women and Children Oppression
3. Murder
4. Dacoity
5. Theft
    1. fraud; 2 forgery; 3 naraji petition of case; 4 all the cases under CID schedule
2 What crimes are least likely to be reported to the police? 1. Child Rescue
2. Dowry
3. Maintenance
4. Indecency
We don't get the scenario of all types of offences.     1 Area based, family related
3 What % of crime that occurs in your area do you think is reported to the police? 50-60% We investigate in special cases. We don't know about all the offences.     80%
4A What is the average time between FIR to charge in a nonbailable offense? More than 1 yr, sometimes less than this Court inspector will know it.     A non-bailable offence- 6 to 9 months
4B What is the average time between FIR to charge in a bailable offense? approximately 6 to 12 months     A bailable offence- 1 to 2 yrs
5 Do you use interpreters at this station? Yes Yes     Yes
6 Do suspects have access to a lawyer here?  Majority This is not our question.     Majority
7 If suspects have access to a lawyer, when is the first time that a suspect usually sees her or his lawyer? (In fact the time is not specific, when they go to lawyers then) Do not know.     Within 24 hours
8a Do you have access to a forensic laboratory facility? Yes Yes     Forensic laboratory is in Dhaka
8b Where is the forensic lab located?   Dhaka     Dhaka
9 In the last 12 months how many times have you used the forensic facility? Did not use In the last 12 months CID did not take help from forensic laboratory.     0
10 What types of cases did you use it for? Murder, Rape, etc. Murder, Rape, Finger print, hand writing.      
11 How long does it take to receive the report? By the case type if possible. I don't know 1. murder- 15 to 3 working days.
2. rape- 15 to 30 working days.
12 If you do not use the forensic facility, why not?