Interviews with police
Interview Date 22.01.2014 05.12.2013  07.12.2013 30.11.13 29.11.13 9.12.13 01.01.2013 01.12.13 Not provided
Q. No. Questions Comilla
(PS: Monohorgonj)
Comilla Gopalgonj
(PS: Kotalipara)
(PS: Tungipara)
Madaripur (Shipchor) Madaripur Madaripur (Rajori) Mymensingh
Rangpur (Kotowali)
1 What is the average time between filing an FIR and the case coming to trial? 6 to 12 months 6 to 12 months 1  year It is fixed by the honorable court. In different cases, it takes different times.   In different cases, take different times.     8-12 months
2 What is the average length of a trial?                    
Magistrates' Court >6 months This is the subject of court  6 Months Under the jurisdiction of the honorable court. less than 3 months less than 3 months less than 3 montsh <6 months <6 months <6 months
Session Judge Court 2-3 years This is the subject of court   Under the jurisdiction of the honorable court. 2-3 years; more than 3 years 2-3 years; more than 3 years less than 1 year; 2-3 years; more than 3 years -- it depends on the type of cases and on the appearance of witness >3 Years 2-3 Years more than 6 months/less than a year
3 What percentage of accused are represented by a lawyer? Magistrates Court >

Sessions' Court >
Magistrates Court >

Sessions' Court >
this information not available from thana. this information not sent to thana from court. In case of Magistrate Court, 95%. In Sessions Court, everyone. 96% -- everyone has.  If anybody does not have, then the PPs represent them 95% -- everyone has.  If anybody does not have, then the PPs represent them Magistrates Court  98%

Sessions Court 100%
Magistrates Court 100%

Sessions Court 100%
Everyone (Magistrates and Sessions)
4 What percentage of cases are resolved informally (by police shalish)? 15-30% 15-30% 50% non cognizable cases are resolved through local public. 55% Very few rare -- very few 1-2 cases out of 100 1% 15% Very few
5 Is there a mechanism for the judiciary, police, prisons, prosecutors, Bar, NGOs to meet regularly to discuss the local justice situation? Y
(In the monthly meeting of rules and regulations these issues are discussed.)
(In the monthly meeting of rules and regulations these issues are discussed.)
N N Yes Yes Yes yes, Discussition on the problem regarding  investigation & trial. Also decision taken based on the discussion  yes,held meeting based on the necessity. Held meeting quaterly Yes, Once in a month a meeting is held on the rules and regulation but discussion related to justice is not made
6 What are the most pressing challenges in the criminal justice system from the point of view of the police? Dacoity, Murder, rape, kidnap, theft, smuggling, etc. Dacoity, Murder, rape, kidnap, theft, smuggling, etc. 1. The length of subsequent date should be curtailed
2. Assuring the testominy and to make the person accountable who did not attend the testimony.
1. Submitting the report in due time
2. Presentation of witness in fixed date
3. Ensuring the submission in court and other concerned authorities.
The coordination among lawyers, judges, police, and doctors should be increased.  To finish the testimony in due time, to much more monitor the appearance of the witnesses To give testimony of government officlals in the fixed date. To submit the investigation report in due time. To increase the appearance of witnesses of the court. In many cases the grivence of crime is more pressing compare to its punisment. In this cases the punisment should be increased and should be made non bailable. Example: Narcotics In many cases the grivence of crime is more pressing compare to its punisment. In this cases the punisment should be increased and should be made non bailable. Example: Narcotics Witnesses, Documents and the authenticity of both parties
7 Do you charge the public to cover costs? Y
(As there is no governmental logistics support so where the crime is committed we take assistance from people to go there because this police station has only )
(As there is no governmental logistics support so where the crime is committed we take assistance from people to go there because this police station has only )
NO NO No. No No NO No No
8 What percentage of police officers live in barracks?     65% 90% 70% 70% 75% 85% 80%  
9A What is the average length of time that an SHO officer will stay in post in this Thana? (we don't have any average time to work, we work 24 hrs) (we don't have any average time to work, we work 24 hrs) less than 2 yrs less than 2 yrs 1-2 years 1-2 years 1-2 years 2 yrs 2 yrs No certainty
9B What is the average length of time that a CID officer will stay in post in this Thana? (we don't have any average time to work, we work 24 hrs) (we don't have any average time to work, we work 24 hrs) more than 2 yrs. 2 yrs 2-2.5 years 1-2 years 1-2 years 2 yrs 2 yrs No certainty
10 How would you describe the relationship between police and PPs in practice? Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Good Good Fair Fair poor
11 Do prosecutors refer cases back to the police for further enquiry? (if court thinks fit) (if court thinks fit) Rarely Rarely Rarely Rarely Sometimes Rarely Sometimes Never
12 Do prosecutors advise police investigators on the strength of the evidence? If no, why not? Sometimes Sometimes No
> They are not cordial
Sometimes No, the PPs don't express much curiosity regarding this No -- the PPs do not show much cruiosity regarding this No -- the PPs do not show much cruiosity regarding this Yes Yes no
13 Do prosecutors draft the charge before the court? Yes I don't know Yes Yes Yes, the charges are read in front of the criminal into the court Yes, the charges are read in front of the criminal into the court Yes, the charges are read in front of the criminal into the court Yes Yes no