Interviews wih lawyers and prosecutors at court (one in each district, except two in MYM )
  Interview Date 3.12.13  09.12.2013 01.12.2013 30.11.2013 Date not recorded
Q. No Questions Comilla Gopalgonj Madaripur Mymensingh Rangpur
1a What is the average time between FIR and for a case to come to trial in the CJM? 9 to 12 months, sometimes longer 9 to 12 Months  3 to 6 Months 3-6 months Over 12 months
1b What is the average time between FIR and for a case to come to trial in the DSC? Over 12 months, sometimes longer   Different times required for different cases. Depends on types of cases, charge sheet, criminal and appearance of witnesses. 6 - 9 months Over 12 months
1c What is the average time between FIR and for a case to come to trial in the NoS? More than one year   Different times required for different cases. Depends on types of cases, charge sheet, criminal and appearance of witnesses. less than 3 months
9-10 months
More than 1 year
2a What is the average no of adjournments before the trial starts in the CJM? 10 to 25 10 to 25 Up to 10 3-4 times 25 to 50
2b What is the average no of adjournments before the trial starts in the DSC? 25 to 50, sometimes takes less 10 to 25 Up to 10 5-6 times 25 to 50
2c What is the average no of adjournments before the trial starts in the NoS? 10 to 25, sometimes take more 10 to 25 Up to 10 2-3 times 25 to 50
3 What is the main reasons for adjournment?  Non-appearance of witness; non-appearance of lawyers; application of lawyers. Application of lawyer (prosecutor or defence) 1. Non-appearance of witness
2. Non-appearance of lawyer
3. Non-appearance of prosecutor
4. Application of lawyer (prosecutor or defence)
Non-appearance of witness   
4a What is the average length of trial in the CJM? Upto 6 m  9 to 12 Months Upto 6 m
> 6 to 9 months
6 to 9 months 12 to 18 months
4b What is the average length of trial in the DSC? 9 to 12 months  9 to 12 Months 6 to 9 months
> 9 to 12 months
upto 6 months 12 to 18 months
4c What is the average length of trial in the NoS? 9 to 12 months  9 to 12 Months 9 to 12 Months
> 12 to 18 months
3 months 12 to 18 months
5a How often is an accused represented by a lawyer in the CJM? Always Sometimes Always Always Always
5b How often is an accused represented by a lawyer in the DSC? Always   Always Always Always
5c How often is an accused represented by a lawyer in the NoS? Always   Always Always Always
6 Is there a mechanism for the judiciary, police, prisons, prosecutors, Bar, NGOs to meet regularly to discuss the local justice situation? No no yes Yes Yes
7 What are the most pressing challenges in the criminal justice system from the point of view of prosecution? No end of complexity: witnesses don't come, police delays in submitting reports. At present, lack of judges. Police witness and doctor witness don't appear duly. Lawyers are able to conduct more cases. 1. Not submission of investigation report in due time.
2. Not completing the witnesses of IO and MO in due time.
3. To not bring the witnesses before the court in due time.
Non Appearance of Government Witness(most of the time). Summon doesn’t surve properly  1. Delay of witness in due time 2. FORM ERROR 3. Dishonesty of prosecution